Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Questions of the Week

Today is the first day I have implemented my new project. The "Question of the Week" project, is where I send out a simple opinion question on every Friday morning via. the text message and I write down the replies I get. After that I will use my blog to talk about the answers I received and tell you what I picked an why. I will also go over some of the answers that come back the same or similar. I think it will be a good way for everyone to get to know each other and it be fun at the same time. I'm really hoping for some good responses and some stuff to work with, so if you have a reason you picked your answer let me know.

I'm going to shoot for sending out the questions around 9am, I will wait till the end of the day to compile all the information and write a blog about it, most likely after 3pm. Please try to get your answers in as soon as you can, so that your vote counts. Thanks and I hope this project is enjoyable for everyone.

Joshua M Hemond

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