Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3rd Results

Hey everyone, I had a lot of fun with this one. Every time a response would come in I would just have to laugh it really was great. I got some pretty good response but I really thought we could have done better with this one, it was such a great question.

It was interesting how quickly the guys got their responses in and the girls slowly trickled in over the day. I think guys always have the name they wanted picked out in the back of their minds already.

With anymore hesitation here are the results:

We had some famous names so I will start with them,

Dalai lama:

Apparently Jason Caron wants to be peaceful, well he could have fooled me. At least he has given up the stabbing people in the eye thing.

Jack Sheperd:

Jon Cote wishes he was trapped on a island with others, black smoke, polars bears and of course Kate.

Desmond Hume:

Apparently Justin Peebles wishes he was on the same island, but the whole time he is there he wants to complain about how he misses Penny.

James Bond:

We know how Zach Bishop likes his drinks.

Barney Stinson:

Surprisingly both Aaron and Jared Dallman people want to be the same person. The gay guy from "How I Met Your Mother".
Beth Chapman:

Lizzy really like Dog the Bounty hunter!

Martin Luther King:

Kevin Zeal has a dream.

James Henry Trotter:

Ryan Lyford loves the Presidents of the United States of America, Millions of Peaches :)

Lily Briscoe:

Corie Lyford wants to take the name of her favorite book character.

That was it for famous names, here are the rest

Seth Murphy:

Eric Stelmach already looks Irish he might as well be.

Link Stone:

Ever since I was little and played the first Zelda game I wanted to be a Link.

Dave Bullet:

My Dad's pick, it would have went well with the profession of Stuntman.

Max Power:

Mark Page's pick

John Smith:

Jacob Hemond's pick

Amber Ocean or Taylor Fox:

Becky wanted a mellow name and a sassy name...Go figure.

Debbie Downer:

Wendy Awesome's pick :(

Dick Plunket:

Josiah Hemond's pick, Sorry Josiah I have a hard time calling any man that.

Jim Steele:

Joe Lindsey's pick, under that scrawny skeletal exterior he is a man made of steel.

Sally Subjectswitcher:

Jen Page's pick, Sorry Jen I'm lost.

Margo Neives:

Beth Fallon's pick


Emma Connors:

Jess Barb's pick

So those were the results for the week, I hope you had as much fun as I did. Talk to you all next Friday :)


Joshua M Hemond

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