Saturday, April 11, 2009

Results for April 10th "Question of the Week"

Welcome everyone to April 10th's Results for the "Question of the Week"

This one was a lot of fun and we almost got 100% participation, only 3 people didn't respond which is awesome.

I thought it would be fun to ask a question pertaining to the New System. I know personally it's something that's always on my mind and it's good to keep it real to us. So with that here are the results.

I'm going to break it down into a few different categories to make it a bit easier for myself.

~Big Cats~

Black Panther:

My pick, when I was little I loved Heman. In the cartoon Heman rode on this big cat called "Battle Cat" which was cool but sort of lame. It was a green tiger, but Heman's Nemesis rode on a dark purple Panther named "Panthor" He was the coolest.


Rabecca and Wendy's pick. These are the biggest cats in the world but, they are hybrid so they can't reproduce.


Jenn Page's pick, fast, but not really all that big. It would be interesting to see a person riding one.


Jacob Hemond's Pick. He isn't talking about the luxury car.



Joe Lindsey and Josiah Hemond's Pick. Big slow moving tank of an animal.


Liz Cote and Kasey Hemond's pick. The Mini van of the animal world, plenty of room for friends.

Pygmy Elephant:

Corie Lyfords pick. Roomy and faster then its bigger cousin.


Eric Caron and Jackie Parent's Pick. Very fast and dumb looking.


My Dad and Janice Blydenburgh's pick. Typical, reliable and fast.

Red Elk:

Justin Peebles pick. Watch those antlers!


Mark Page and Corinna Cressi's Pick. Mark said he picked it so his feet wouldn't drag :)

A Big Bird:

Eric Stelmach's pick. ???

Silverback Gorilla:

Kyle Peter's Pick. All terrain animal.

Steph (Jo Jo's Friend) and Jason Whartenby. Horse with stripes.

Jo Jo's Pick. She was very specific it had to be a Gazelle with a red saddle.

Grizzly Bear:
Ryan Lyford's Pick. I have no words excepts Awesome Pick :)

Jason Caron's Pick. Actually he told me he would ride in the pouch.

Komodo Dragon:
Jon Cote's Pick. Not sure this is even possible.

~Sea Animals~

Fin Whale:
Justin Peebles pick. He picked and land and sea animal.

Killer Whale:
Jason Whartenby's pick. He picked two as well.

Jared Dallman's pick. I guess he's walking by land.

Matt Peeble's Pick. The ocean's speed bumps.

Sea Turtle pulled by 2 Dolphins:
Aaron Dallman's pick. Just ridiculous!


Matt Nolte's Pick. Yeah he went prehistoric.

I hope you all had as much fun as I did, talk to you next week :)


Joshua M Hemond

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