Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Adventures of Mr. Fingie July 22nd

Mr. Fingie does not have any pets, so today he decided to change that. While shopping at the local grocery store he came across a whole bag of easy to care for pets 'Goldfish'. "How wonderful" he told himself, "No special requirements". At first glance the 'Goldfish' seemed like a perfect pet for a simple index finger like himself. He would not have to worry about feeding them or changing their water even, just every once in a while he would poke his head into the bag to see how they were. Slowly though after poking his head in several times he noticed their lackadaisical attitude. They never moved, seemed excited to see him or even acknowledged him at all. One time when Mr. Fingie poked his head in, he pulled one little 'Goldfish' out. Staring at the little guy he started to get hungry. He quickly popped it into his mouth and ate it. The crunchy cheddar was like an explosion on his taste buds and he downed the whole bag rather quickly. well I guess to make a long story short, Mr. Fingie is looking for a new easy to care for pet....Have any ideas?
P.S. Mr. Fingie is going to be gone for a few day. He will be back though on Mondy July 27th!

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