Sunday, July 5, 2009

Star Wars Live Action TV Series

I have been following the rumors that Lucas had been working on a Star Wars Live action TV series and according to "" the rumors are true.

"Over the last few hours I’ve been following rumors of a Star Wars live action television series which will be shot in Australia — well I’ve just confirmed from a source who has a friend that works at ILM that this rumor is in fact true! My understanding from what I’ve been able to gather is that the series will be high quality and tap into local talent from Australia from well know film people to science fiction writers. The series is suppose to be aimed at adults (unlike the previous cartoon series) and focus on relationships and emotional landscapes — which means that it might be in more of the “chick flick” tradition.
I’d trust Lucas to not let this series get too silly — but frankly it comes down to the team they put on it. Although my hopes are are what we’ll see will fall more in the tradition of this:"

Lets hope these rumors are true and we get some high quality content out of the Star Wars universe.

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